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 "Love seeketh not itself to please, nor for itself hath any care, but for another gives its ease, and builds a Heaven in Hell's despair."
- William Blake

Anna Sivadasan and Brian Gramling
February 22, 2003

Places To Stay
For your convenience, here are some suggested places to stay if you are traveling to our wedding.

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Hotel:Marriott Airport (map)
18700 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Houston TX 77032
Price Range:$59 - $59
Location:0 miles from ceremony
0 miles from 1st Reception
Features:Check hotel website link above for information.
Note:Marriott will block 60 rooms through Feb. 6, 2003. The cost for each room is $59. This price is for the dates of Feb. 21 (Friday) and Feb. 22 (Saturday)and you'll pay $59 for a standard single, double, triple or quad-size room. If you want to stay for additional dates, let them know at the time you make your reservations. When you call say you're with the Sivadasan wedding party and you're a relative! (If you do this, you get the $59-dollar rate for the total days you stay. If there is a problem, let us know and we'll get it worked out. To reserve your rooms, call: 1-800-228-9290 or 281-443-2310.

Anna and Brian

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Places To Stay

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