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"One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life; that word is love."
- Sophocles

Mike Schwar and Heather Whitman
October 11, 2003

Bridal shower in Menomonee Falls, WI Photo Album

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the set-up in the kitchen
the set-up in the kitchen

Beautiful flowers from Sarah!
Beautiful flowers from Sarah!

Kathy brought flowers for the Mother of the Bride
Kathy brought flowers for the Mother of the Bride

This was the desert table-yummy.
This was the desert table-yummy.

Mike sneeking up on the desert table when no one was looking!
Mike sneeking up on the desert table when no one was looking!

Heather at her bridal shower in Menomonee Falls.
Heather at her bridal shower in Menomonee Falls.


Sarah introduces herself
Sarah introduces herself

playing a bridal shower game
playing a bridal shower game

Sarah, Kelly, and JJ enjoying themselves
Sarah, Kelly, and JJ enjoying themselves

Heather and Kelly
Heather and Kelly

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