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"Love seeketh not itself to please, nor for itself hath any care, but for another gives its ease, and builds a Heaven in Hell's despair."
- William Blake

Dave Johnson and Alyson Gantar
August 16, 2003

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Shannon and I goofing off in OKC in our happy pants
Shannon and I goofing off in OKC in our happy pants

The Gantar family celebrating Alyson's graduation from graduate school in May 2002
The Gantar family celebrating Alyson's graduation from graduate school in May 2002

Uncle Mike and my father enjoying a break from the real world in Palm Desert, CA.
Uncle Mike and my father enjoying a break from the real world in Palm Desert, CA.

Uncle Mike and Aunt Char celebrating in CA after Alyson and Shannon left there house. They housed us in OKC while we did out final clinical rotation for graduate school.
Uncle Mike and Aunt Char celebrating in CA after Alyson and Shannon left there house. They housed us in OKC while we did out final clinical rotation for graduate school.

Mother and father of the bride relaxing at the condo in CA.
Mother and father of the bride relaxing at the condo in CA.

Marc with his fiance Katie. They were engaged in September and will be married in November of 2003.
Marc with his fiance Katie. They were engaged in September and will be married in November of 2003.

Proud mother showing off her new baby.
Proud mother showing off her new baby.

Our new puppy Skye. Born May 12, 2002. Brought home mid July. Check out those ears!!!
Our new puppy Skye. Born May 12, 2002. Brought home mid July. Check out those ears!!!

A not so normal puppy. Does that really look like a comfortable way to sleep???
A not so normal puppy. Does that really look like a comfortable way to sleep???

Look how she has grown. A month and a half later and she has already grown into those ears. Isn't she the princess of the backyard.
Look how she has grown. A month and a half later and she has already grown into those ears. Isn't she the princess of the backyard.

Can you believe it??? My father with my puppy at the house in NC. He looks real relaxed too....
Can you believe it??? My father with my puppy at the house in NC. He looks real relaxed too....

Skye and I playing in the backyard at the house in NC. FYI, the dog has more space to live and play in then Dave and I have.
Skye and I playing in the backyard at the house in NC. FYI, the dog has more space to live and play in then Dave and I have.

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