Your Online Bridal Registries
One of the great things about linking your wedding website to your online registry page is that it is not against the
rules of ettiquette. You may heard that it is considered improper to tell your guests where you are registered unless
they specifically ask you - this is true. Using a registry page as a wedding website is definitely walking the fine line
of wedding ettiquette. These sites try to disguise their intentions by allowing you to put other information about your
wedding on your page. But, your guests are not blind, they understand that the intention of the page is to get your guests
to buy gifts off of their site. Listen to what one of our brides has to say:
"There is one more important reason to have a Bwedd page - no more annoying, flashing, slow-loading advertisements. It
was all of the ads that sent me looking for an alternative to the registry webpages."
- Jennifer
What Jennifer is saying is that it was annoying to her and her guests to have those ads on her wedding website.
And, not just because they are slow-loading, but because they distract from the intention of your site - to share your love and excitement
with your family and friends. Informing your guests of your registry without making them call you is just a bonus to all the other great reasons
to have a wedding website in addition to your registry page.
If you would like to learn more reasons why linking your registry to your wedding website is a good idea, Click Here.
