




Examples of Vows for Marriage Renewal Ceremony

Remember when you write your wedding renewal vows that a vow is a pledge or a promise. Just because you have already vowed certain things does not mean that you cannot vow those things again. Then again, there may be things you have learned in your years together and thus new vows that you would like to make to each other as you move forward in your lives together.
Here are some example renewal vows:
"My dearest ___, it was 25 years ago that we first pledged our commitment to one another, but it seems like just yesterday that I was standing across from my beautiful bride/handsome groom. We have been through a lot together - laughter and tears, joy and sorrow - and through all those times, I can honestly say, I loved you every step of the way. Today, I want to renew those vows and again pledge my love and life to you. I promise to be there for you in sickness and health, in middle and old age, in good and bad hair days. Whether you feel thin, fat, beautiful, ugly, fit and trim, or out of shape I will always think that you are perfect - perfect for me. I am here to be your supporter, your confidant, and your best friend. You are my (nickname or other). I have been blessed for the last 25 years and am thrilled that I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you."
"________, in the past I have taken you for granted. I have put others before you. I have done things I am not proud of. And I have often been wrong. On the other hand, I have always loved you and stood beside you. I am here today to move forward with a renewed commitment to you, our love, and our lives together. I pledge that from this day forward you will be my number one priority. I promise to be there for you in all that life brings our way. It is because of you that I am here today and I vow to give you all that I am and all that I have for the rest of our lives together. This is my solemn promise."
Renewing Your Wedding Vows
Vow Renewal Template
Elvis Vows
Writing Your Wedding Vows
Wedding Vow Writing Worksheet
Sample Wedding Vows