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"Love, all alike, no season knows, nor clime, nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time."
- John Donne

Dave Johnson and Alyson Gantar
August 16, 2003

Our Story
Alyson says:
We met when I joined the Reamer Club at Purdue in the Fall of 1996. This is a school spirit organization.  It was my freshman year and his sophomore year.  We did not get along at first mostly because I did not care for him very much.  I thought he was very cocky and annoying. It wasn't until my junior year that I began to like him. After a few weeks of flirting and basically throwing myself at him (I never said he was a quick one), I had to enlist the help of one of my friends (Niki) to get the ball rolling. Needless to say after a night at the bars with Niki, Dave got his butt in gear. We started dating the 18th of September 1998. Since then we have been to 5 different states doing a long distance relationship. We are finally living in the same state and loving every minute of it.

Dave says:
I'm pretty sure we met at a Reamer Club callout at Purdue.  If you don't know what that club is, it's not important.  Apparently, I was oblivious to the two years of hatred that followed.  Therefore, I won't take the time to detail that period.  The only statement I will make in my defense is that it was confidence, not arrogance.  We started dating during my senior year at Purdue (Alyson's junior year).  I had begun to win her over during her stint as the club's secretary while I was president.  After some gentle flirtation during the first couple of months of the fall term, we started to officially date one late night (read: early morning) a little before Octoberbreak in 1998.  I've been trying to resist the urge to play in traffic ever since :)

Dave and Alyson
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