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 Jennifer Day and Bill Roman
October 4, 2003

Our Story
Jennifer says:
Bill and I met at Harpos, a club I used to go to every weekend.  Bill and I ended up on the dance floor together.  He bought me a drink walked me to my car and asked for my number.  The first time he called was on New Years Eve and ever since we have been happy in love!

Bill says:
Like Jennifer said I picked her up in a club, but there is more to it than that.  She was so beautiful that I had to meet her.  She was on the dance floor with her friends and I started dancing next to her.  I bought her a drink and we started talking.  I walked her to her car and got her number.  I couldn’t wait to call her, but being a man I had to play the waiting game.  We had our first date and the rest is history!

Jennifer and Bill
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