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Aaron Walker and Kim Barton
April 27, 2002

Our Story
Kim says:
I had lived in Dallas for about 3 years.  I was having a great time there, meeting lot's of friends and there is always fun things to do.  I had met a quite a few people through Dallas Sport and Social Club, playing on a Coed flag football team.  I had been on the same team for over a year. The quarterback of the team was Jason Kougl. His then girlfriend,  and now lovely wife, Lainey was also on the team also. She kept mentioning she knew this GREAT looking guy that worked with Jason and they were going to try and get him to come out and play.  

On Wednesday, July 28, 1999, I met Aaron Walker for the first time.  Lainey and Jason introduced us and then Lainey pulled me over and asked me what I thought.  I said, "He's really cute!"

At one point during the game, we were both on the sidelines taking a break and I asked Aaron if he would like a beer.  He replied in his usual "nice" tone "No, slows you down."  Other than that, I think the only words he spoke to me during the game were how overrated he thought the Dallas Stars hockey team was.

Well, I thought he was not interested what so ever.  But, he surprised me at the bar afterwards when he really let loose and drank about 6 buckets of beer all to himself and started flirting!  And God forbid, it was a worknight!  We went out on a lunch date 2 days later and that was all she wrote.  I knew I was in love about a week later when he came to get me after golf to take me to eat my first sushi meal with his friend Bob.  I just couldn't resist that look in his eyes (okay, I know he was thinking of the sushi, but I take what I can get!).

Aaron says:
It was one of those historically hot summer days in Dallas and I decided to forgo throwing my golf clubs on the course and play flag football on my friend Jason Kougl's team.  I had second thoughts but he said we would have a chance to make it to the championship game ( I can not resist having a chance to win)and that I could even meet some new people.

I finally snapped out of my focus about the beginning of the 3rd quarter and struck up a conversation with this speedy, little girl named Kim.  She tried to get me drunk while we were playing and I thought to myself, "here is an athletic girl that can drink, what a combination!".  And she was really beautiful to boot.  I must say that it was worthwhile to play football that day.

We ended up drinking a little to much Dr. Pepper during the evening hours and the rest is history.  I'm forever thankful that I played football that day and refused to drink a Coors Light during the game.  Maybe Kim finally realizes that she is the one that made the impression on that hot summer day.

Aaron and Kim


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