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"The highest love of all finds its fulfillment not in what it keeps, but in what it gives."
- Father Andrew SDC

Adam Wills and Steph Scott
October 11, 2002

  Our Story
Steph says:
It all began with an instructor at Humana; Janet.  Janet is also the Group Fitness Coordinator at the YMCA.  Janet has been a close friend to Adam for years and had told Adam about me after I came to town in April of 2000 (I was clueless to this).  

In September of the same year I began teaching for the YMCA and had to take a certification training.  Again, a point that I was clueless to is that Janet had told Adam that "that girl" would be there and to keep an eye out for her/me.  I didn't even know that an "Adam" existed.

It's the first night of the training and in walks this guy - late (a trait that I would soon find to be habitual).  HOTTIE!!!  He sat behind me and I suddenly became very aware of the fact that I was sweating and any and all flaws that I may have.  

Trying to make a long story shorter - he tries to talk to me over the course of our 3 day training (because Janet has already told him about me -yet I didn't even know I was being scoped)and I am too nervous to carry on a conversation. Consequently, I blow him off.  He now thinks that I am a snot.

Weeks go by and I am still thinking about the cutie from training.  It's the first week in November and I find out that Adam has tried to email me except he has used the wrong email address.  He doesn't yet realize this and his messages have been sent to someone else.  This stranger has responded to his emails saying that she doesn't know him so to stop emailing her . . . all the while he thinks it's me being rude again.  

Fast forwarding - we get the mix-up squared away; yet the bizarro me has yet to intercept one last mistaken email from Adam.  She boldly calls him to complain - he calls me to warn me of what is going on and- BINGO!  We have our first REAL conversation.

After some scheming on my part, I find out that he's going to be at the YMCA bowling get-together.  I drag a friend there with me and make sure that we are all bowling on the same lane.  We go the whole night without speaking until I make a stupid comment just to get him to notice me and speak to  me.  

I have been bowling on a league so I did okay and won a prize for the most charasmatic.  My prize - a gift certificate to the movies.  Adam sucks as a bowler and wins a prize for needing the most improvement -He gets a certificate to the movies as well.  Slyly, he uses this opportunity to say, "You know this means we have to use these together, right?"  I am convinced that this is not a date until he calls to ask if I would also like to go to dinner first.  WOOHOO!! It's a date!!!!!!

One fantastic date turned into two the very next day - then three the day after that . . . . we were inseparable and have been ever since!

Adam says:
Adam is still thinking of "his version".  Check back soon - I am sure that it will be good.


Future Plans

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