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 Brent Shinyeda and Jenn Montgomery
June 28, 2003

Our Story
Jenn says:
We were introduced to each other by our friends, Stephanie Knightlinger and Jessica Braulier.  They decided we were perfect for each other yet neither of us wanted to get "set up".  They took me to Fleming's, the restaurant Brent works at, for cocktails and I was a bit reluctant.  He took me for a tour of the restaurant and bought me a few drinks.  I tried to pay, but he wouldn't let me!  Apparently, I wasn't paying attention because he was too busy stealing my heart away that I left my credit card on the bar.  I was so embarrassed that I called his boss up the next day to see if I could get my credit card back without Brent thinking I left it there on purpose.  He found out anyway and personally dropped it off at Cucina!  where I worked at the time and asked for my phone number.  After our second date, I e-mailed my friend Stephanie Perez and told her I'd just met the man I wanted to marry!!

Brent says:
How I proposed:
I had planned a nice weekend in Whistler, Canada involving fun, lots of friends and family,  skiing, and a ring.  I thought it would be nice to take Jenn to a nice dinner there, and propose to her.  

So we got to Whistler after a long beautiful drive up.  Sure there were many opportunities  for me to pull over and get down on one knee with the beautiful scenery in the background, but I decided to "stick to the plan"!  We immediately hit the slopes once we got there.  The first run was great!  Jenn fell down a million times and I skied down the mountain like a pro and I looked good doing it too!  We stopped a few times and I regretted not bringing the ring with me onto the mountain.  Again, I had to remind myself to "stick to the plan"!

During our second run down the mountain, Jenn picked up a little too much speed and fell down again.  I cheerfully skied over and tried to help her up, but she had hurt herself and couldn't move her leg.  We flagged down a medic and Jenn had to be taken down the hill in a tobaggin.  

After 5 1/2 hours in the emergency room, she came out with a knee brace and crutches.  We had missed our dinner reservations.  So much for "sticking to the plan"!  But I was bound and determined to propose that night regardless!!

We went back to our room and I gave her the last of many valentines I had given her throughout the month with the words "I hope you say yes" on it.  When she looked up from reading it, I had a blue box in my hand.

Brent and Jenn
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