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"Whenever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Nate Howell and Kimberly Perry
September 20, 2003

Our Story
Nate and I met Labor Day weekend 2000.  Derrick and Cari invited me to go up to the river for a canoe trip.  The weather was really crappy, but I agreed to go.  Nate and I were partnered up together.  We talked and talked and talked some more. We had the best talks.  It was just amazing.  We ended up staying up until 6am...still talking.  When we left, I gave Nate my phone number. He called me and we went on our first date that Friday.

We continued dating for about 2 and a half years before Nate proposed to me.  And this is how it happened...

We went up to THE RIVER, (where Nate and I first met almost 3 yrs
ago.)  We went with a bunch of our friends on a canoe trip Saturday.  On
our ride over Nate was saying how tarnished the ring on my left finger
was.  I was like, yah, I need to get it cleaned. He didn't talk for the
rest of the drive over. I never thought anything of it.  So we started
floating down the river and we came to our first stop to take a break and stuff.  I saw Nate up on the hill talking to one of our friends.  Then
they came down and Nate was like Kim come here, he started pulling me into
the water.  I was like, knock it off, I don't want you to throw me in, just being dumb.  Well, he's like come on and just follow me.  So he took
me into the water, got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.  I was
in SUCH shock, it was crazy!! I didn't speak for like a minute, I was
speechless.  Then I started crying and so did he.  He's like, well...what's your answer?  Do you want this ring or not?  Anyway, it was
AWESOME!!  I wanted to share the experience with you all.

Nate and Kimberly

Future Plans


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